
In the BYU Aeronautics club, there are several tracks, or pathways, one can take, based on personal interests. In fact, bits and pieces of these pathways can be mixed and matched, however, each of these pathways has been designed to take a student from no knowledge to proficiency in several aspects of micro air vehicle (MAV) design, manufacture, and operation.

F3K Pathway

This pathway is designed to give students a firm grasp of aerodynamic concepts while designing, manufacturing, and flying efficient gliders. By the end of the end of the pathway, students should have built, and possibly enhanced, the Super Gee II, a competition-grade Discus-Launched-Glider (DLG) designed by Professor Mark Drela, at MIT.

Acrobatics Pathway

This pathway is primarily catered to students interested in building toward advanced piloting skills. It includes the basic design, manufacture, and especially flying of acrobatic aircraft.

Autopilot Pathway

Self-piloted aircraft are the focus of this pathway. Less emphasis is focused on the design, and even manufacture of aircraft, but rather creating and/or configuring autopilot hardware/firmware/software to allow aircraft to fly, take off, land, or perform other mission specific requirements, autonomously.